After-Hours/Weekend Permit Issue Line:
(424) 346-4438
The Palisades Charter High School Office of Operations is responsible for the following departments on campus:
The Director of Operations, Mr. David Riccardi, oversees all operations in these departments and is one of eight administrators on campus.
The Office of Operations’ goal is to steamline all facets of these operational departments in accordance with the mission statement and goals of Palisades Charter High School. This office will do so by creating a safe, clean and comfortable learning environment by updating facilities, maintaining current facilities, providing safe and efficient means of transportation, clearly communicating facility usage on campus, as well as generating revenue through permitting and, finally, to advance the role of technology on campus.
Main No.
(310) 230-6623
(310) 230-6673 |
Palisades Charter High School 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Tel: (310) 230-6623 Fax: (310) 454-6076
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