Once a student has been accepted, the following is required for registration:
1. Documentation of Student’s Age
Determined by one (1) of the following: Bring the original and 2 copies
If none of these documents are available, proof of age can be determined by two (2) of the following documents:
2. Immunization Records
Bring original and 1 copy
Important Note: Tdap (Whooping Cough) is mandatory to register for school in the fall.
3. School Records
If you are NOT checked out of the last school attended, provide unofficial transcripts (LAUSD form ID20) from the last school. (Bring original and 1 copy of each) b) If you are checked out of the last school attended, provide the official, sealed transcripts and PAR from the last school. Bring original document. (If previous school was in LAUSD, the document is a PAR-Pupil Accounting Report) Non-LAUSD If enrolling from outside Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), provide the address and name of the last school attended.
If your student is an incoming 9th grader, bring the last two (2) recent report cards. Bring original documents and 1 copy each.
If your student is incoming 10-12th grader, please bring the previous school's official transcript.
4. Proof of Address. Form available in admission's office.
Palisades Charter High School 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Tel: (310) 230-6623 Fax: (310) 454-6076 info@palihigh.org
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