AV/Technology/Laptop Request Form
Marquee Message Request
Campus Technology Overview
Palisades Charter High School offers a wide range of technology tools to support our community. Our aim is to create a learning environment where technology is ubiquitous, secure, stable and appropriate. Our teaching staff are provided with iPads for mobility and either laptops or desktop workstations, depending upon which device best supports their lessons. The campus is multi-platform, supporting Windows, Apple and Google operating systems. We have ten computer labs: three general purpose labs, and seven dedicated to specific subjects; Journalism, Computer Skills, Computer Programming, Photography, Graphic Design, Environmental Science, and Film. In addition, we have iPad and laptop carts available for classroom projects. Our campus network is filtered and monitored to provide stable and secure access to the internet.
1:1 Program Overview
Palisades Charter High School is a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) learning environment. Students are welcome to bring tablets, smartphones, laptops or Chromebooks to campus to support their education. Our Technology Department team assists with wifi connectivity, accessing digital textbooks, and general troubleshooting across multiple platforms (iOS, Yosemite, Windows 7-10, and Android).
PCHS provides high-speed wireless Internet access to all students who sign our Acceptable Use Policy and demonstrate continuous, ethical Digital Citizenship practices throughout the school year. A Single Sign On system allows students simplified access to our cross-curricular, cross-platform tools: Google Apps for Education, Office 365, Schoology, and Atomic Learning. A team of technology coaches support classroom technology integration ensuring that all students have access to core technology lessons.
Our 9th grade students learn in a 1:1 Program, which emphasizes iPads but welcomes all device types. Families of 9th grade students may borrow an iPad for their student to use during the school year. If you have any questions about our Technology program, need advice about the right device for your student, assistance with digital textbooks, or any other technology issue, please contact Donna Mandosa at dmandosa@palihigh.org.
At PCHS we believe in the power of collaboration. Our Google Apps for education pilot aims to foster peer collaboration through unified email communication, shared file storage in the cloud and free access to core academic productivity tools. We provide GAFE accounts for all our students and will integrate GAFE with Schoology, our LMS, in the future. In addition, our Temescal Academy is a 1:1 touchscreen Chromebook classroom environment.
Digital Citizenship
The PCHS educational mission is to “empower our diverse student population to make positive contributions to the global community”. In the digital age, it is vital that students understand their roles as Digital Citizens. Our technology, leadership and academic staff have collaborate to develop a year-long series of workshops that bring issues of Digital Footprints, Online Safety, Plagiarism, Law and Etiquette into our classrooms. In addition, we offer workshops to ensure that parents have the tools and skills to support their teens’ in the development of healthy technology use.
STEAM Shop / Auto Shop
The Pali STEAM Shop is a three-year project to expand non-traditional and hand’s-on learning opportunities on our campus. Students engaged in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math through projects that combine traditional shop tools and digital innovations like 3D printers or CAD develop the grit, ingenuity, flexibility and perseverance that modern employers seek. We currently offer hand’s-on learning in classes like MESA, EAST, Fabric Arts, Life Skills, and Integrated Science. Currently sharing space with our re-opened Auto Shop, the STEAM Shop will serve as an innovation space supporting an expansion of hand’s-on across the curriculum. If you would like more information, please email steamshop@palihigh.org or sign up to volunteer here: http://goo.gl/forms/m65BLi5Q1R
Website Support
Main (310) 230-6623
Ms. Mandosa directs our Technology Department, coordinating with the IT Team for infrastructure stability and collaborating with faculty on technology integration projects. She leads our 1:1 iPad Program and our Long Term Strategic Planning Technology group, which ensures that all community voices are heard as Pali continues to develop an educational environment where technology is ubiquitous, secure, reliable and appropriate. Ms. Mandosa also directs our STEAM Shop program, which supports the expansion of hands-on learning opportunities and Career Tech Education through the development of an innovation lab in our restored Auto Shop classroom.
Mr. Roepel leads our on-campus IT team, which provides rapid-response technology support to our faculty, staff and students. He comes to Pali with a background in Federal, State, and Local Government IT and many years in corporate infrastructure IT. Mr. Roepel is a core member of the Operations Team, working across departments to unify and standardize communication and technology use. He is a campus leader providing strategic planning advice on all technology infrastructure projects.
Mr. Waters has years of experience working in IT in both educational and non-profit settings. At Pali he provides classroom support to faculty, staff and students. He also managed the campus-wide upgrade of our Windows workstations.
Mr. Lozano has worked in school IT for several years, at both the county and elementary school level. Prior to joining Pali, Mr Lozano was part of the IT team that deployed LAUSD iPads. At Pali he provides direct support to our faculty and staff, with a focus on our 1:1 iPad and Chromebook programs.
Mr. Thomas has a background in Computer Science and has worked previously for the Los Angeles School Police. He is a 2001 alumini of Palisades Charter High School.
Palisades Charter High School 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Tel: (310) 230-6623 Fax: (310) 454-6076 info@palihigh.org
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