“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character: that is the goal of true education.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Our mission is to provide Pali High students with a progressive alternative to the traditional classroom. All courses are Common Core and A-G aligned. Students will work independently to access curriculum while adhering to all due dates, seminar dates, and coordinator meetings.
This program serves highly responsible students who are able to independently access curriculum. These students may be, but are not limited to, those working, pursuing a professional athletic or arts career, accruing excessive on-site attendance concerns, or those with scheduling problems or individual learning styles not met in the traditional classroom.
*Students are required to attend weekly meetings with a coordinator and seminar meetings for core classes. Students are required to enroll in four online classes, but may take two or more classes at the traditional campus.*
As life-long learners in the 21st century, all students at Palisades Charter High School Virtual Academy will:
1. Meet with Palisades Virtual Academy Coordinators
2. Fill out program questionnaire/residence priority
3. Fill out online interactive tutorial
4. Participate in the trial 4-day program
5. Take Learning Style Questionnaire
6. Attend the Student/Family interview
7. Coordinating Team will assess application
8. Attendance Office will send out Acceptance Letters.
9. New Palisades Charter High families will fill out attendance office information
10. Current Palisades Charter High families will fill out program transfer information
Our History:
In 2013, our Board began a pilot program designed to meet the needs of
Pali students who were unfulfilled by the traditional education models.
These students were looking for an alternative classroom setting. We are
joining educational leaders across the nation in providing an
individualized, one-to-one virtual learning education. This model is
changing the lives of our Pali students by providing them with endless
This diverse group of students works to achieve mastery through a
combination of online curriculum and seminar-based teacher instruction,
adhering to the best educational research conducted over the past several
decades. With an unwavering commitment to our students' academic
achievement, our Pali educators and staff ensure all students have the
opportunity to achieve their academic goals and maximize their potential.
Palisades Charter High School 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Tel: (310) 230-6623 Fax: (310) 454-6076 info@palihigh.org
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