The Village Nation (TVN) comes directly from the African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child’. The first goal of TVN is to develop mentors on campus that have compassion and the desire to see the African American students excel through validating their natural intelligence and praising their leadership capabilities. Through this education of the teachers the group becomes a place of empowerment and support for the African American students on campus. TVN provides support with college counseling, parent education, mentoring, impact assemblies, and cultural awareness. TVN has had a positive influence on the test scores of the African American students on campus and has also helped increase the number of African American students in Honors and Advanced Placement Courses. The primary focus is to close the achievement gap and promote academic excellence for African American students.
The Village Nation (TVN) was brought to Pali after Steven Burr (teacher), Monica Iannessa (administrator), Tami Christopher (teacher) and Patrice Fisher (parent and former board member) attended the summer institute at UCLA in 2008. During this 3 day training they were taught how to "un-lock the genius" of our African American students through the implementation of this program that is geared at uplifting and educating. Since the start of the program at Pali CST scores for African American students has steadily increased. A movement of 6 points is considered significant, our African American scores went up in 2009 by 20 points, 2010 by 7 points, and 2011 by 22 points. For 2012-2013 school year our African American students showed growth of 21 points.
Palisades Charter High School 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Tel: (310) 230-6623 Fax: (310) 454-6076
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