Yearbook is an elective at Pali in which students earn technology and computer credits. The dedicated staff, this year numbering just 21 people, is chosen through a rigorous application and interview process. Together we produce the entire book’s content, with students performing diverse roles in layout design, photography, and copy writing. Editor-in-Chief Ben Snell, along with a small group of co-editors and departmental editors, lead the team to complete our award-winning product.
You can purchase your own copy of the yearbook today for $80 by preordering at the Student Store or directly with Mr. Steil in room E101. Payments can be either cash or money order for $80 payable to "PCHS" and deliver or mail to the Student Store or E101 with your student's name in the memo line.
You can also promote your business or send a personal message by placing an advertisement in the appendix of the yearbook. Ads are available in a variety of sizes and price points, at $100 for a quarter page (4.25w x 5.5 h), $200 for a half page (8.5w x 5.5h), and $300 for a full page ad (8.5w x 11h). You can submit your own design, or alternatively specify the information you wish to appear and our team of designers will create an original composition for you at no extra charge.
Palisades Charter High School 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Tel: (310) 230-6623 Fax: (310) 454-6076 info@palihigh.org
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