(extra point given in calculating UC/CSU GPA; no extra point given in Pali GPA)
H U.S. History | H Chemistry | H Physiology |
H Math Analysis | H Physics | H Spanish 3 |
H French 4 | H American Lit (11th) | H Contemporary Comp (11th) |
(no extra point given in UC/CSU GPA or in Pali GPA)
H English 10 | H World History | H Algebra 2 |
H Biology | H Spanish 2 | H French 3 |
H Economics | H Advanced Comp (12th) | H World Lit (12th) |
H Prin. of Amer. Democracy |
The calculation of GPA (“grade point average”) converts high school letter grades to a number. An “A” is worth 4 points, a “B” is worth 3 points, a “C” is worth 2 points, a “D” is worth 1 point, and an “F” is worth 0 points. Extra credit is given for AP courses only. College courses that are not required for graduation will not be put on your high school transcript and will not be included in your Pali GPA. Generally, colleges count only grades earned in academic courses when calculating your GPA and will give extra credit for most honors courses.
To calculate your Pali GPA, count the number of A, B, C, D and F grades on your transcript and enter those numbers in Column 1 below. All grades (including PE, service, summer school, college courses required for high school graduation, repeated courses) from 9th grade through first semester of 12th grade, are included in your final Pali High GPA. If it is on your transcript, it will be included in your GPA. Multiply the numbers in Column 1 by the number next to it and enter the total in Column 2. Total the numbers in Column 1 and Column 2. Divide the number in Column 2 by the number in Column 1, and add the AP augmentation (see below). For example, if you have taken two AP courses and got a “C” or better in all four semesters, you will get four AP augmentation points; 4 x .025 = .1, so you will add .1 to your GPA.
Column 1 # of grades |
Column 2 |
A ___________ x 4 = | |
B ___________ x 3 = | |
C ___________x 2 = | |
D ___________ x 1 = | |
F ___________ x 0 = | |
Total # of grades | Total # of points __________ |
AP augmentation:
# of semesters of AP/college courses (with grade of “C” or better) x .025 = ______
Column 2 divided by Column 1, plus AP augmentation = GPA
Palisades Charter High School 15777 Bowdoin Street, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Tel: (310) 230-6623 Fax: (310) 454-6076 info@palihigh.org
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